Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Really, Apple? Part 2

In my prior entry, I wrote about Apple's ads just sucking lately. I'd love to be able to tell you that I said everything that needed to be said, but I didn't. I was distracted and honestly it's one of my least favorite entries.

My point stands, however. Watch the ad again, or for the first time if you're not one of my three regular readers.

On the surface, (mobile device pun actually not intended) this commercial sucks. It doesn't show any new abilities of the phone. It's an effing smart phone, it must do SOMEthing cool, right? Show that, don't waste millions of dollars showing how great it fits in your hand.

Oh...maybe this is tantamount to Apple admitting that really, there is nothing all that new about the iPhone 5 except that it has another row of icons. Seriously, I have the 4S (Because I always join the cool bandwagon right as the wheels fall off) and since I updated to IOS6, it does almost everything the iPhone 5 does.  But still, Apple is the closest thing we have to a Bond-esque super company with more money than most governments. You'd think their ads could showcase something special. I hate to say it, but maybe the company really did need Steve Jobs.

After all that, we add Samsung in to the mix. They're phone is getting some rave reviews, and so do their ads. They've had some GREAT commercials. Some, like this one, are just epic for the fact that..well, any guy knows why this is epic. Wives: learn from this woman. She is a paragon of everything wonderful in a spouse.


But seriously, almost lost in the "I wonder what the video entails" is the fact that the phone has this very cool feature where you can transfer items just by touching them. Oh hey...I think that's a phone sex joke...which is another joke in itself. Wow, this is just a layered little ordeal, isn't it?

But see what they did, they made an ad that gets your attention AND shows a cool feature of the phone. Why can't Apple do that?


When the iPhone 5 first came out, Samsung also made this gem.

Honestly, my only critique of this (and pretty much all smart phone ads) is the wanton use of hipsters in them. According to cell phone ads, hipsters are the ONLY people buying smart phones. Which isn't true. I have one, and I am SO not a hipster I couldn't even be one if I wanted to. Which I don't.

But seriously (yeah right) this ad again showcases a cool feature of the phone while simultaneously pointing out what I said earlier, there is very little that's new about the iPhone 5. Well played, Samsung. I'm not sure if you have the best phones, as I had a Samsung before this phone and it sucked harder than would an all Jar Jar Binks Star Wars movie, but their ads are an advertising win.

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